Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Best Way To Wax Female Genitals

that date already happened some time ago but this blog is then Tico Tico has the pace and publishes more than 15 days later. He likes to write it with calmness and dedication, does not like post a hurry. This morning when I woke up (6:30 am If it's morning when we're supposed to in school vacation week) to make breakfast for Eka, dying of cold and with one eye open, I along with the news that Spain is to strike. Well as I have a political issue to the surface today is the day I said to teach them the photos of the 15/09 day of independence.
you are
ask .... but because this masochist up early if you are on vacation? Well the reason is that (let me settle down while inflating my ego) Erikita decided to spend their vacation week to assist as a volunteer assistant school called Caramel, is in downtown San Jose is a semi-private school (the families who can pay what they can, they can not pay nothing) and I'm very proud that the teenager of the house is maturing and investing your Weather helpful things. What I melts is that when I wake up to prepare breakfast and bathed her and this list and reaches almost noon starving thrilled saying what he did. Having said that fed my ego and mother, I tell the 15/09. I will not explain much because this is the only thing Tica history, it's a shame I know but the way things are. Touch me get me a dagger (sorry keyboard gringo, do not get the egne) when submitting the test for citizenship, if that did not encourage me to get me Zuliana nationality, because I say what I say the hell are these Vergatario about, I'm still applauding. Well better not get into hot topics like politics because I get excited and then they believe they are reading Noticias24 humirde instead of this blog.

The 15/09 independence is celebrated throughout Central America. Students from each country are taking turns to run with a torch across America center, when this finally comes on the eve of the 15 stops throughout Costa Rica and the National Anthem is played at night no lantern parade and parties. The 15 students in the morning (ahem only champions and outstanding students) march through the streets of his town.
's a beauty! The bands played until the World Cup song, they sound very hard and people dressed blue, white and red leaves into the street to watch them go. Some schools are going acrobats bouncing off the other band has got the stars on the toms and stop in just to touch. Others are more girls with pleated skirt dresses do wonders with a stick, throw it in the air spin and launch again. Others with choreography and flags. Well for me it was a luxury enjoy not only because it is a day off , a national holiday (though not mine of birth) but also to enjoy the privilege of not command aircraft wake me practicing for the big parade military . Towards a sun and a warm glow of these shorebirds, these children paraded with admirable solemnity. For them it is an honor to participate in this parade. Popes and teachers were running with water bottles to give dashes as they walked non-stop until the final destination as 7 blocks later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Numbers In Motorcycle Tires Mean


So my cousin told me once. She is Venezuelan but Italian pope lives in Madrid for many years, and though I work as an architect today has "its own business", so something must know not?. Word is true! We just opened our own! But since there? Bone is resabido an immigrant who enters another country hired by a company must not understand much about these things. But if instead you made your suitcase and ran, you know The titles of rolling up and you will get in the pocket (the back) and despite Tiquicia welcomed us with open arms their cases have been isolated:

"Venezuelan ah? ... one more ... there are plenty of you. here now ?..."
marrow to make the story short: the thing is not at all easy.

So seeing the success that we decided to give the supplies to mount one. Look for Gamma Exelsior least brothers, to them it is going very well and tell me those who argue that if you buy there a "live better for less", and who have not been to Mendi Eder to realize that the owners do not walk on foot. They are my inspiration!
portus Take off Venezuelans who came to Costa Rica!
Thank you all for the support they have given us, for having made fans on facebook and order utopian, for following the blog, give us much encouragement and to wait patiently for the assistant, decorator, photographer, cashier amadecasa directoradeimagen-mama-les-etc photic teach the wretched of the premises, try to take a panorama but the place is triangular and not easy to photograph with the only lens I have, I need a wide angle to teach them .... ahem. ...
No ... seriously ... take a thousand pictures and no where methylation is lost in this madness to come and go, these are the survivors:)

Here I give you the links for which are yet to become a fan on Facebook and to visit and follow the blog.