Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Color Walls That Go With White Bedroom Furniture

It's almost May Two thousand nine: Feeling

Brothers: what year, what year!

troubled, restless, passionate, happy, tired, a year very much alive.

Some moments were not humanly be overcome without music. And this year has been a lot, too, from all parties and of various styles, and if I bring to the almost infinite blogosphere, I leave the list My 10 Favorite Albums of the Year (no specific order):

The Antlers - Hospice
One of the strongest albums of the year, whom they have liked insurance will repeat in the years ahead a couple of times and always find it enjoyable. A sad history of hospitals and losses reflected in beautiful (yes, beautiful) songs timeless.

The Flaming Lips - Embryonic
If Yoshimi Battles Pink Robots (2002) is one of my favorite albums of the decade for his humanity and for being one of those albums perfect, sunny, sentimental, Embryonic would all otherwise directed by your picture rarefied atmosphere rather dark and mechanical, devoid of any glimmer of hope: great.

Girls - Album
In these times we must be careful with the hype, you can hijack the "good taste" even though relative, is the only thing that guides us. This was the year of the final vindication of pop as a funnel through which passes the tradition and postmodernity to be a slightly familiar flavor mix, but totally new. The Californian duo surpassed the fame, blogs and a certain youthful innocence has stayed with us (please stop using the label "indie" to describe a sound!) .

Five Years of
Hyperdub (various artists)
Hyperdub is the new Warp, and according to many sites is the label year, according estoi. These days celebrate 5 years is to summarize an eternity, and these two discs that comprise it are the real damage. Electronics bridged from the nineties but amalgamated chiptunes, idm , breakbeat , d & b, hip hop , glitchs from "everything" immense called Dub. Indispensable.

Phoenix - Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus
The years come along, they began as support band for quite some Air. Pop bacansísimo, commercial that you would like to listen to any time of day (or Disney radio haha), fed up with guitars, synthesized sound. Cheerful, fun.

Fever Ray - Fever Ray
The chick is from The Knife, after becoming a mother, got into an African trip / shamanic / e, strange but recommended. (If you live in a village may appear to you out there with his mic and his brother / servant to the synth).

Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
In this disk the Fuck Buttons are a little more digestible se apegan más al formato canción, pero no deja de ser un vuelo (de la serpiente emplumada) tremendo, electrónica necesaria para limpiarte los oídos de cualquier sonido, que vía el entorno, se te haya quedado asquerosamente enganchado. Bulla digital para levantar paredes.

Micachu and the Shapes - Jewellery
Empezando por el hecho de que su frontwoman es una guitarrista atípica, maestra de instrumentos personalizados, Micachu and the Shapes sorprende por su alma casi punk, sencillez y novedosa música (obviamente). Hacen una especie rara de pop/rocanrol minimalista con piquetes sintetizados. La sorpresa del año.

chillwave "?," Glo-fi? (Neon Indian, Washed Out, Toro y Moi and Memory Tapes)
Of all the recent spate of bands and projects with similar sound I'll take these 4 (the best known). thing as global-fi or chillwave , no more than the electronic synthesizer pop alternative rock (shooting The Radio Dept., shoegaze "?) And a kind of new wave revival with tape loops and synths old. I think we hear enough of that in 2010, each of these 4 bands have in common and also differences that become necessary and safety pins.

Wild Beast - Two Dancers
This year has been too much music, practically in 2009 has been divided into 3 parts and it is normal that what appears in the middle or end of this year closer proximity.
Wild Beast is the inevitable British band favorite, in the midst of so much music and so much revisionism visceral be missed, but this, their second disc, ratified as a great band with great lyrics, great vocalist, is the kind of music that could considered "elegant and sophisticated" but easily accessible. Recomendadísimo album. Bonus


The Flaming Lips + Henry Rollins + Peaches - The Dark Side of The Moon
The Flaming Lips are definitely the band of the decade, so important to contemporary music like Radiohead or any other group survived the 90's.
After comparison with the grandeur and theme of Pink Floyd, the Lips and co. will send its version of this classic of the last century, where they were grateful for the reinterpretation of these issues to some and we sounded stale. The great songs are forever.

PS: All these albums have great covers!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Getting Immunization Records In Ontario


Wednesday, December 23 / 2009

Dear fellow life and love:

Personally, I moved a lot more knowing that just this year and the decade, a decade that I will remember with much affection, which have spent too many good things, so many bad and definitely where I self-produced in my image and likeness, a decade where music has been wonderful, human expressions projected to infinity, a decade where I've gone from being a teenager without any sense to be playing a post-adolescent adulthood in a world of elderly a decade without warning made me the person that my structure was completely overhauled, with his eyes clear 3 or 4 that had erected a protective mask on my behalf, that person I love and I have taken my hand until is an old, that person and believe me grow and allowed to merge to create new and better life (my daughter Valeria and Emma on the way).

A Carolina, my wife, for being so brave in a world of shit and commit the imprudence to accept uncertainties and promises which I have learned to meet (or that she has forced me to meet), a sort of hypnotist and therapist, my friend companion (trilladísimo, but true!): THANK YOU. Inevitably

look out for what's coming: the future that need addressing now, and I'll definitely enjoy. Dear fellow

life: never stop feeling. Sincerely

His friend (and my complement system)
