Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where Can I Watch Elvis Movies

Strange how one can gain attachment to intangibles like a "blog" and that attachment but remains mute.

I've tried almost 4 times, but no. It is impossible to leave, I always call, always appears, always ask for a new twist.

In 2010 he grabbed me busy, so it was the mechanics of this year: "Hey you, took until the last minute free-...

4 months have been intense rollercoaster-mode that led me new joy as the birth of my beautiful second daughter Emma a strange sadness as the death of my grandfather. The first to be loved. And guess what, my sadness settled in well I accepted his departure, almost as a relief. The only thing that interested me was that there was no suffering, Don Guillermo fade out, fade out ...

A funeral is like a strange act of theater in which you already know the characters, only now being interpreted by others (which are the same, really, just that or more floods or older) where do you find paper has touched, or in my case, what role plays refuse. All that has to happen happens, perhaps escape, but I prefer at this time to stay away from any notion of emotional pain. I need intact, I immerse myself in those amber waters of sorrow.

Another degree away.

Another high point so far this year: "I am the god made animal", my new personal exhibition in which I have been working for quite some time and will soon be ready. And this really has me waiting.

speaking family, my wife concluded a stage, where and with two children, our family is complete. Real action begins, perhaps not entirely clarified, but there are many goals, and very large.
less impostor
Every day, every day less PLC, today I feel that every moment will be marked, so you have to move carefully, but spontaneously. A sort of unconscious insight. Forms trivial, routine, what else gives. That same question.

Once again, welcome.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My House Price In 1991

This already appears festivities! Earth Day, World Book Day. Erika at school were fair, invited major libraries and children could buy books at affordable prices. For Earth Day were dressed in green and had outdoor activities: games against teams from other schools in football volleyball, football plays female-Erika cole team and won 4 to 2! - Cheerleading exhibitions and kioskitos with meal.
Y you? As you celebrate?

What are you reading?
Recommend something!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Foraminal Stenosis C2-3 C3-4


For those who are not aware (shame!) World today is the day of our Mother Earth. So be kind enough to remove any sucite to stumble you today, give her a darling she would appreciate any gesture. If you think throwing a single plastic bag does nothing that a little bit of oil used by the sink will not contaminate any sea or to give such lengthy baths affect anything, because I regret to say that if you do a lot. Put your two cents and help for a better planet for our children and grandchildren. If we do something for the planet today that we will regret it believe me (and we really step with a president? Said, I do not think ... well ... I say no more).
- Date showers 5 min. (Gives you time everything checked). Sometimes these showerheads cause Cleopatra but seeks short shower.
- Bring your reusable bags when you go to the supermarket, can be left in the car to lower them when you shop.
- Unplug chargers, lamps, hornitos, coffee and everything I'm seeing that you have plugged in and use some.
- Reuse glass containers.
- Do not print itself is not very necessary, and if you do try to use both sides of the same paper.
- do not ever throw away the used cooking oil down the sink, throw it away in glass containers and then stored it in the trash boots.
- If you buy something small, so that the bag? stick in your wallet.
- Do not use anime, using cardboard.
- Planting a tree or at least keep alive a Plantic at home (a cactus is easy to care for no excuse).
- Do not use petroleum products as kerosene or Vensol to clean your house, try to use biodegradable products.
These days we have gone on tour! We visited the farm Biamonte in Coronado. They make organic goat cheese. Make yogurt, feta, cream cheese, ricotta, etc. Your kids are not fattened with hormones, or are prisoners in cages. They are free and graze sorts of herbs without pesticides. The cheeses are fine and clean processes. It is good that there are people who care about being kind to the environment and for providing good products and natural. Also produce eggs free-range chickens. This means that prisoners are not in cages with a light on 24 hours a day without being able to move. They are loose and eat worms and peck the ground. The eggs are healthier and more flavorful.
Here I leave you with archival photos and a bad trip to the Coronado taken with the Blackberry. Basto and I piropiaran the photic to the little camera broke ... will have to wait to save and I bought my SLR camera:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lab 5 Cell Respiration Question Answers

Happy Easter! Nick

you say? That already happened? No, but if we're still in March. We're already in April?! But in that moment?! Your president is sure to take off days per month. No way! Well so far I have spent a week to report that very romantic to walk the two (and sometimes Apollo) because Erika went to a farm in Quepos with neighboring family and return on Saturday to rest a little before cole starting over again. Meanwhile we went for a ride to the volcano Poas, that remains in the village of cows and sheep and the house that looks like Smurfette. This is one of my favorite places here. You feel like you're in the Alps. All is beautiful, friito ago, and I forget that I live in this, the fifth pan ... What better than to see the crater of the volcano was to see so many tourists using cholas with dress socks and shins as white bread as a raw ... that is to have personality.
This photo was taken by Marcos :)
also went to the beach in Jacó . Playa Esterillos, and Liana, I like these beaches, because they have black sand, remember? I told them that here. But always be beach beach and there was no nobody had for ourselves. And do not tell Erika that back we stopped at the bridge over the river Tarcoles, in which there are thousands of alligators! Or tell my offspring because whenever we go out there she asks as we stand and we .... we do not. We promise to take the next time, I swear. Is in full motorway bridge just before you park the car and walked closer to the center (the bridge). The sidewalk is minimal I think it does not measure or a yard wide. Each time you pass a car (which is every 3 seconds, you're on a motorway!) The bridge shakes, or tell you how it feels when you pass a truck! I reached the railing below the waist (too low for my taste) and when you look down there is like 200 meters of pure vacuum and down a crocodile E-NOR-Mo. They are slime, and alligators are some bugs that are still giants dinosaurescos looking up hoping to fall on some poor unfortunate tourist. Really, the thing gives vertigo is not suitable for cardiac.
On Sunday the children (the block) eggs made of milk candies (caramel) and brownies. In the afternoon looked Easter eggs:) On Monday we all had a tummy ache!