Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rhyming Birthday Invite Cat In The Ht

His magic

C hen we talk to the wind, never expected that He will bring a response.
I heard the birds singing, wind in the trees, felt the touch of your hands in words. It was a magical moment that captured me and did not want to leave. But the wind never stops running and I left your side one moment, then took me back to reality.
I ask the wind to take me with you, back to the magic of being with you, somewhere in my imagination to invent.
I ask the wind to bring me back the sound of your voice and the gentle caress of your words.
But the wind does not call who loves, who suffers, goes running and we are the ones we to run its course trying not to get lost in your journey.
I am here today because the wind will supply to the outside, strong enough to take with you.
Today the wind becomes quiet, becoming just a light breeze that brings nostalgia of the one whom I want.


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