Thursday, December 30, 2010

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HAPPY 2011!

would like to embrace each person and give them clapping so HAPPY BIRTHDAY you take the air and all. But since we can not (yet) we send all our love and our best intentions via internet, and we're grateful to have survived another year without a PC. nearby. We wish with all my heart that 2011 treats them with affection and gave them many good things, it is full of joys and targets met and bring them to health so they can be enjoyed. So imagine that we offer together and spend everyone a happy holiday.
2011 HAPPY

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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A downpour of Happiness Full color

In this New Year let the rain of happiness wash over you, you get wet and sprinkle with droplets to everyone on your side.

Here's to Us!

That Enjoy a delicious ...

Year 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Speghetti In A Steamer


a couple of months ago, walking through the day Lyon France voted labor reform, came to my mind this formula used in the code penalty for crimes committed do not reach for reasons beyond the control of the criminal. Do not know why I felt like a good title for a compilation of my unfinished projects, which are enough.

In my case, the name might not be entirely accurate, since they do not think I did everything that was in my power to carry out my mission. Rather, for reasons mostly related to vagaries of my emotional stability, the projects have been losing momentum and enthusiasm to bring them up.

Sometimes an idea need not even be too good, just believe in it and carry through to the end. This inevitably involves giving final shape and break the mold, to accept the imperfection of which will be made, to expose others to that value, in short, to overcome one of its vagaries and contradictions to get the service of something bigger than us . Recently

live more in museums and books in their lives. I mean when I visit a good show or finish a good book, I realized to end the momentum that I sometimes feel in life and that is only a small spark that only indicates a road.

I admire those who pile up their projects with the final form that have decided to give them, admire them because they are naked and thrown into the water. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes not so well.

overwhelming exposure I saw the Christmas Eve: Parallel Benet Rosell, the MACBA.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

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We graduated! September 15

On December 7th we celebrate the graduation of 6 of my Eka. Here they celebrate in style, there is a walk this beach hotel . them to sleep one night all of 6 and some courageous breast chaperones who signed the plan (to me that I did not look, the amarraria all to a post). The 5 ° made him a farewell party and had a coexistence of a night this camp.
I say the event was hardly what bellisimo I lived because I was busy trying not to mourn and nerves to paralyze me and let me take a picture decent. They called each student by name they walked to their seats one by one as the master of ceremonies was reading the virtues of the student in question. When they said "... Erika Alvarez Erika is a girl who is known for being very responsible and he was elected President of its kind ..." up here after I was conscious ego inflate me and I could not hear anything else, it was all a big blur until I finish with the group throwing their mortarboards air.
Then we went to the party at the Intercontinental, Eka came in with Mark and danced the waltz, here once again lost track of everything and just thought about that failed attempt to get a picture full bunch, quietly (almost crawling under the tables so you do not see me) I go to the dance floor when I suddenly appears from behind and whispers in my ear: "Mom!" I told you to let me enjoy the party in peace! "
permission Now I leave you with three decent photos I could do and I'll clean the keyboard from the drool before shorting;)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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raining in spurts, so I decided to take refuge in the house at the foot of the work. When you open the door, three workers who seemed hidden were removed restless, trying to conceal. Dusk, and the electric light bulb illuminated the machinery still the rain, as large animals to sleep outdoors . Upon arriving in droves down the lift more than twenty workers, dragging their junk quickly, wanting to leave that place as soon as possible. My three neighbors in a quick and nimble slip, placed at its height, walking alongside them, including one he borrowed another worker a large hammer and walked at his side, so that no one could differentiate those who had fallen in the elevator three infiltrated the group.

Hours later, dining in a tavern, I see two older men sitting at the next table. Speak hoarsely, finish their dinner and drink wine. Ask for the bill and rush the bottle. Have paid and are about to leave, one of them still have half a glass of wine, so that the other advantage to go to the bathroom. Instantly, the client who has been on the table finish a drink his wine and, with a strong signal and impatient, ask the waiter to refill her glass, immediately paying that consumption and leaving the level of wine as was that of the previous round. Returning his friend, he urges them to completion of the wine that still has to leave, what the other obeys without hesitation.

traps are small, shirking we do believe that deceive the other. It's like a evocation of childhood, when our mom asked us if we were cleaning teeth and lied, saying yes to going to bed with a sense of having committed fraud.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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Life is a pediment, brings you back what you give

One of Bilbao I met yesterday

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There is an exhibition
now at the Guggenheim in Bilbao to which I have given in fever (heating failed in the cold last night in my hotel room), and maybe that's why I have a dream seen as uncomfortable and revealing.

Haunted is called, and is armed mainly with funds from the various branches of the foundation. Revolves around the obsession of contemporary art from the past, the storage and recording media and recording as photography, video or audio, which presents as transmitters of melancholy for its ability to fragment time and transform memory, highlighting the irretrievable past events.

I love the way that people like Richard Prince, Rauschenberg and Luis Jacob have used existing images to tell a very personal thing and produce a work entirely new with respect to the files in which they are based.

I returned to meet with the work of Walid Raad and his blend of document and fiction seems to me not only a work but a work of undeniable fact-finding comparable to Wikileaks. I think the war in Lebanon is best read in the creative process of the Atlas Group, which in libraries of the time.

Ownership and involvement of all types of files and documents removed from memory and presented from another angle, the mix of genres and disciplines. I think something as large as the best of August Sander or Diane Arbus.

for me remains a mystery, the excitement, the anxiety that the contemplation of a photograph or a painting can produce. A mystery I do not want to stop there.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Baby Has Rosy Cheeks And A Rash On Her Chin

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You must work very hard to make things look effortless

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Called blog, a virtual page, ie not paper, but appears on the screen of a computer, which puts a number of issues. Some, many, serve to statements of a strictly personal. The contents, of course, is not the fault of the networks that connect the virtual space, as is commonly believed, but of personal abilities, usually, and as demonstrated by the way the world works are scarce.
Don Ernesto Sabato imagine doing a personal blog, but using the mental quality standard.
Holis, my name is Ernest, was born in Rojas, and nothing, talking to my friends Nico, Sebas and Facu, whom I met in the Facu just (ha ha) in La Plata, he did wave to a blog where we have something from us, no grievance, no, because I have no problems with anyone.
Well, that's not true, because I am angry with many people. And again I have loved so much, but some have committed suicide. What a jerk, nothing good, but a bit like that painful. The thing is I was in the Labo (call things by halves, I mean the Laboratory Madame Curie, France), where it had laburo, while he was drinking with some friends of the nascent surrealism, as Breton, who was a kind cool. One time, ufff, if it had ... well, I do.
Then I got to write some books. Some reflections and other fiction, but that is not used much. They are a bit like ... I do not know, maybe they should go and buy them and see what happens to read, if you have time to read everything to do with laburo, brides, TV, uffff, people is full, a thousand, and as they do not read much lately rafter.
Regards, Er

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I have a feeling that people tell the stories that often tell more because they like to keep them fresh for the listener interested. So it has the same, and not others may even be more juicy.
know someone by their anecdotes is difficult. Like to know their thoughts, or his fiction, his stories or his statements in general. The soul is present, but be CAREFUL with the guesswork.
may know something about the person through his statements, including those from here. But I think in that case, what you see of a person is reflected, a vague reflection, as seen in the light of the moon reflected in the sea but that also is reflected in a mirror that gives an object of metal to which you stare.

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gives the impression that it is impossible to make a blog, or any public work signed, without reference to the people you want, thanks, estimated or known from afar. That said, having referred to the people I love, move on to another topic, which may be important for anyone but me.

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The beautiful daughter of Poles who stars in one of my novels, I've spent many hours of my life, and for years, imagine all sorts of calamities, setbacks and inconveniences many. As is well known that once the characters started to walk even then, the girl was patiently replacing each of the ordeals for which, manifestly, the posing, as if this were not enough, she imagined their own to achieve their mysterious plans.
Sometimes you do not know for what reasons the people who most want them to pass tests and make such great sacrifices. Maybe it's because the demand to the other is the more demanding that love gives to every person, who knows.
An Italian lady, of Udine, will have known this. She raised me and taught me a certain way, and be supported with more satisfaction to distress the sacrifices that sport. And walking on those roads, I would have caused significant inconvenience to others, perhaps continue to devote much of my time to building roads Erica, but people are not created by me, but dear. In any case, claims to be the mistress of Udine. O God. For what should one denies free will and feel the pure creation of others. But unlike Erica, it complains.

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This legal possibility of leaving determinations to be fulfilled after death never was an institution I could understand. I disagree. Let alone when they involve some kind of explanation, let X style sum issues such affection. I think it has the effect of injury time at the conclusion of a sporting event. It will delay the time of life when death is unfailing.
more clauses to convince me without explanation, let X style that amount, and add nothing more. The reasons were due to clarify in due course.
much less than that, I like explanatory letters, or confessions to be read after death unless they are to people you never knew when adult. But I do not know if in this case are valid. Conditions change over time, and the cause is not there to try to remedy them. There is another testament
that life and the work itself. And the work does not improve with death, but you can give another dimension. There is another testament, there is no way to test it with facts and behaviors. in life.
is understood the paradox. If death treads my garden, this thought will be written as a work and how will that refuses wills. Nothing is more absurd that a man believed to set a fine thinker.

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Every artist must be committed with their time. And if an artist feels, or pretends to be, must comply with this premise.
Moreover, politics is an art. Without going any further, the art of governing.
curious thing about this discipline is that, unlike any other, the exercise of the vocation decline rather than increase it.
A writer loves to read and write, and that pleasure is growing, but it is gone, and no longer re-enter. The same applies to a musician or a dancer. But come to the difficult political arenas of the common good by a previous idea that captivated him as a writer and musician first read first heard melodies, and as the exercise of his art makes it more suitable, further from the ideas that led to this discipline. Make
policy, and do it well, as dwindle ideals are like playing solo, or perhaps a plain and simple betrayal.
Politics is a delightful task. That seems. But without ideals, is a tremendous masturbation, as if someone was played at the picture of a lady as the building where it occurs burned in flames.

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adhere to what he says Alejandro Dolina in terms of the Proceedings. If you start writing, to the three sites had already reached yesterday. And also subscribe to the idea that if I write my memoirs, and this book was a success, would suspend the presentation of the book to include in my memoirs that success.
There are more interesting lives that deserve a book of memoirs that a writer, whoever he was, who has spent his life observing, and occasionally, living an adventure interesting to include in any future memoirs.
shift. I do not know if there are such interesting lives to deserve write his memoirs. I do not know if there is someone willing to take an interest in reading. What we do know is that an autobiographical book that has the memoirs of the author, would be partial. And officers with respect to the writer.
And a writer must be critical, it will not fit well be official.
I know some of my favorites, starting by Virgil, were official. And others, like Sallust, they were also hypocritical. They said nice things than it should be life and practiced the customs counter.
But, yes, it was his ruling that made the last, but his literary talent. And another Memoirs, nor did Virgil's Aeneid opportunity to view or print shop offers which cost 10 pesos and a cookbook 72.

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I see, I get

I see, I get
Baby, nobody is going to do evil
Except love.

Charly GarcĂ­a
So, as a teenager, begins one of his greatest songs, SEMINARE, recorded later, with Seru Giran. Is a clear line. I do not know why, but I liked this song too. Even to me. Could be part of the soundtrack of my life.
The stated intentions of the singer, are set out very clearly. There is something obscene in clarifying details and want to see and want to get, but it suggests good motivation. However, few pay attention to the lyrics.
then becomes a tango, where the good intentions seem to be at war with the evil that prevents national music never blamed on women. Tango between the mine to be with ermine wrap bought the poor singer, and this frivolous only feel the wind that will offer owners Good bikes, there is almost no difference. And the existential
auction, which claims that there is no force or love potions, which is the most desired feeling, against the feelings Street, located once again to the infinite universe in the corner of our homes. Pure philosophy. There
love song better than this. At least for me, sometimes, very often, I realize why it could not be anything other than Argentina.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

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Not good enough ...

What is good?, Do not hurt?, "So, repent and remedy?.

loose ideas: something is wrong because all internal alerts have sounded much the grotesque noise that is externalized is now part of the landscape.

Landscape usual, tiring, harmful. Mine.